Support Services and COVID-19 Support
Please see below the communications regarding the Coronavirus. For any enquiries, please contact the school directly.
Updates and Communications
COVID-19 3 - 27.3.2020 - Letter to Parents
(PDF, 403KB)
COVID-19DfE Parent Letter - 26 March 2020
(PDF, 268KB)
COVID-19 Student Parent Carer letter 24.03.2020
(PDF, 283KB)
COVID-19 SFD Parent letter 20.03.2020
(PDF, 186KB)
COVID-19 Letter-update to community 19.03.2020
(PDF, 528KB)
COVID DfE Parent letter - 18-03-2020
(PDF, 342KB)
COVID-19 Parent communication 17.03
(PDF, 358KB)
COVID-19 DfE Parent Letter 12.03.2020
(PDF, 1MB)
Novel Coronavirus - parent letter approved 30.01
(PDF, 413KB)
Handy links for parents and students
Supporting parents and carers in your community
Parents have told us that they’re finding the current situation overwhelming. Share these resources with your parent community (including this routine planner) and support them to help their teens.
Supporting you through the Coronavirus pandemic - Beyond Blue
No matter how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting you, Beyond Blue has information, strategies and expert advice to help support you
Headspace (for young people)
How to cope with stress related to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
HS Fact Sheet
Factsheet: How to cope with stress related to COVID-19
Be You
Mindfulness PDF
Staying Healthy While Learning at Home
(PDF, 1MB)
Student Distance Education
(PDF, 4MB)
Life In Mind – Some great resources and links from this one spot!
The Australian Psychological Society
Advice about maintaining positive mental health during the outbreak
World Health Organization
Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak
COVID-19 readiness
Department of Health
Covid resource for families
(PDF, 295KB)